The Cost of Dying How We Can Save You Time, Money & Stress By the time I get to meet a bereaved family it will have already been made painfully aware of the cost of a funeral and may even be aware of how much a solictor intends to charge to administer an estate. On top of that there are estate a... read more
So What's Wrong With DIY Wills? It never ceases to amaze me just how much angst can be caused by people trying to save a few pounds by drafting their own Will. It is all too often the case that where there is a death in the family (or families) the promise or presence of money brings out the best, a... read more
Have You Ever Felt Helpless? Have you ever felt helpless or lost for words when speaking to someone who’s been recently bereaved? Have you ever longed to alleviate someone’s pain or at the very least help someone to prevent adding to it? I once had to watch a friend struggle for hi... read more
Be Careful Who You Appoint As Your Executor. As of 30 October 2015, HSBC have entered into an agreement with Simplify (the trading name of Chorus Law formally known as ITC) to take over their probate services. They are now contacting their clients to see if they wish to transfer their allegiance. If... read more